
The Dark Prince: Chapter 4

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Raven had locked herself in her room trying to master the purging spell. Apple and the other girls were waiting outside.
"Why does she have to do this alone," cried Apple as she paced the floor.
"You know she's the only one best equipped to fight dark magic," said Cedar.
"I know but I just wish there was another way."
"This isn't something you can just talk out," said Cerise.  "Dexter's beyond that now."
"I wonder how Daring is doing," said Briar.
Daring and the other guys were down at the armory. Daring was putting on armor specifically made to defend against dark magic.
"You sure you don't want our help," asked Hunter.
"This is something I have to do. He's my brother and I am responsible for him."
"But he's our friend, too," said Hopper.
"I know but I don't want to risk any of you guys getting hurt."
"But this is what we trained for," said Humphrey.
"Guys, this is nothing like what we trained for," said Daring.  "Sure some of us fight dragons and wolves and other creatures. But are any of us prepared to fight dark magic like this?  No and as inexperienced as I am, I still need to fight.  For his sake."
Daring walked out of the armory. He put on a black chest plate and black boots. He branded a black shield with a silver dragon on it, a sword and black cape. He exchanged his gold crown for a silver one. If he was going to fight, he'd do it in style.  He and the rest of the guys approached the girls standing outside of Raven and Apple's dorm.
"Is she ready," asked Daring.
"Not sure. I don't want to interrupt her," said Apple.
Then, the door opened and out came Raven. She braided her hair back and put on a simpler version of her Legacy Day outfit. Minus all the jewelry and just a simple crown.
"You ready for this," she asked Daring.
"Ready as I'll ever be."
"Did you bring the magic container?"
"Sparrow should be bringing it," said Hunter.
Then, Blondie's MirrorPad began to beep.
"Oh no!"
"What's wrong," asked Cupid.
"Dexter's been spotted outside of Book End!"
"Raven, let's go! We can't afford to wait for Sparrow!  Tell him to bring it to us as soon as possible," said Daring as he and Raven ran down the hallway.
"Good luck," cried Apple.
Down in Book End, Dexter was making his way down the street.
"Time for this place to live up to its name!"
He began to blast buildings causing people to run in fear.  Purple flames licked the sky.  One brave soul tried to hit Dexter from behind. But he knew it was coming and grabbed the bat before it made contact.
"Nice try."
He then punched the man into a wall nearby.
"Now for the final blow."
But before he could fire it, another blast struck his hand. He turned to see Raven with her arm extended and Daring next to her glaring at him.
"That's enough Dexter," shouted Daring.
"So it's you two who plan to stop me?  Don't make me laugh."
"Dex!  This isn't you!  You have fight the evil inside you," Raven pleaded.
"If it's a fight you want; I'll gladly oblige."
Dexter unleashed his fury at Raven and Daring. Daring came at him with his sword which Dexter replied with his own.
"Raven!  Get that spell ready," cried Daring.
Raven then began to concentrate.  Focusing on the evil she sensed in Dexter and wanting to purge him from it. Her hands began to glow a lighter purple. What she had failed to realize was Dexter had knocked Daring back and saw what she was trying to do. He charged up an attack and fired it at her.  Raven looked to see the blast coming but she couldn't move. The next thing she knew she was flying through the air in someone's arms.
"What kind of Prince would I be if I couldn't rescue a damsel," he smirked.
"I don't think this is the time for that," Raven retorted.
"Sorry, just trying to lighten the mood."
They landed a few feet away, trying to distance themselves from Dexter.
"He's stronger. If I don't purge that evil there's no hope for him," said Raven.
"Yeah, but without that magic containment it will just spread everywhere.  Where the hex is Sparrow anyway?!"
"Did I hear my name?"
Raven and Daring looked to see Sparrow with a cross bow in hand. Hunter and Cerise were behind him.
"What are you doing," asked Raven.
"Thought maybe you could use this," said Sparrow tossing the container to Daring.
"And some back up," said Cerise.
"Thanks guys," said Raven.
Daring then gathered everyone together.
"Alright, listen up. Cerise, use your speed to confuse him.  Hunter, you and I will come at him from all sides. Sparrow, provide cover fire. We need to give Raven time to ready herself and provide the opening she needs.  Everyone ready," asked Daring.
The others nodded and got into their positions.
"Remember, Dexter's still in there. Try not to hurt him," pleaded Raven.
"With all due respect Raven. This Dexter is not gonna hold back. And neither should we," said Hunter.
"Come out, come out wherever you are," hollered Dexter.
Cerise darted to the left and then to the right.
"So, little Red Riding Hood wants to play?"
Dexter fired a few blasts at Cerise but she was too quick.  She leapt away from each blast making Dexter frustrated. Then out of the shadows, Hunter came out with his ax ready. It narrowly missed Dexter's head who managed to doge it. Then, Daring came out with his sword but Dexter blocked it with his own.
"It's not nice to gang up on someone," said Dexter.  Then, arrows of light were shot near his feet. Dexter looked to see Sparrow Hood aiming a cross bow at him.
"What's this?  The son of Robin Hood  missed his shot," mocked Dexter.
"I don't miss," Sparrow snarled back.  He fired more arrows and they pierced Dexter's body. Daring looked on in horror.
When Sparrow finished and the dust settled, Dexter's body was gone.  Sparrow threw the weapon down in horror at what he just did.
"What have I done," he whispered.
Suddenly, he felt a chill go down his spine. He turned to see Dexter's angered face behind him.
"My turn."
New chapter!


Ever After High (c) Shannon Hale
© 2014 - 2024 DJMirnum
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